Chrome & Creme, what a Paradox!
I was originally going to hold out on any MAC purchases until Raquel Welch and Barbie hit the scene, but, you know...
I went to Macy's with D yesterday for the last time, she is moving on to another company and it was our last MAC trip together so we made it a big one. I wanted to try to get the launch dates for those two lines, and I was wanted to see the Danse and Chrome & Creme collections in person. The Danse collection looked a lot better in person than it did on-line, but what really got me going was the Chromeglasses. I first swooped in on Pastel Polish, and a minute later snatched up Chromaliving, too. Then we snagged our selfs a MAC Artist and got to work. I tried on those two colors, and bought both, along with the Naked Rose creme liner. D tried on three and got two, Prize Shine, the purple one and Metalphysical, the beige one, plus a liner, Creme Sherry. In order to complete our new lip looks we had our eyes done as well. I wasn't really in love, she went with a purple palette, but went towards the plum side, where as I like to stay towards the violet side. We also got dusted with Mineralize Skinfinish, I with Lightscapade, which I declined, and D with Glissade **tombe pottaborre glissade assemble, reminds me of my ballet days, even though I'm sure I spelt everything wrong** which she did get.I'm also pretty excited about Shu Uemura's Spring collection: Paradox. The collection includes purple, grey, and white single eyeshadows; white eyeliner; three different pink blushes; two pink lipsticks; 2 pink nail polish; 2 sets of falsh lashes; a fan brush; and a lip brush.
but my favorite part, and the only product I am interested in buying is the Gloss Laquer in Invisible Pink. It also comes in Irrational purple and Radical fushcia I love the idea of a laquer in a pot. I think it will stand alone great and also look great layered over others.
You might want to try the Lancome Juicy Gelee line. Tastes like the tubes, but softer and more liquid. Really nice!
Hi, would you shoot me an email. I'd like to run something by you. Gracias.
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