
My New Religion

I had my eyebrows threaded today and Oh.My.God. It was like a holy experience. It is such a cool technique the way the strings work to pull out the hairs leaving the smoothest lines I have ever seen. It didn't hurt, but it was a strange sensation. I left with the best brows ever and a new addiction. Sonia of Threads on L St is completely amazing and you can bet your Jimmy Choos I'll be making frequent and regular visits :)


caphillbarbie said...

Hmmm, very interesting. I've always been intrigued by threading since wax irritates my extremely pale skin. Did they do a good job shaping? I get concerned about looking surprised all the time...

Heather Henderson said...
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Heather Henderson said...

I love the shape of my brows. I had them seriously shaped by Debbie Wexler at Fusion a lil over a month ago, but I prefer the threading. I think they looked better than they ever have. Plus, Sonia, the girl who did them, seems to have an extremely loyal following. She is only there on Mon Wed and Fri though. You should definitly check it out, and let me know if you do :)

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